Service | Source | Final Application Due Date | Funding Available | Match Required |
Public & Societal Benefit |
10-04-2024 | $7.0 M | Match Required |
20.614 -- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Discretionary Safety Grants and Cooperative Agreements
Impaired driving is a leading contributor to motor vehicle crash fatalities and injuries. Data show many of these fatalities involve drivers who drank to BACs of .15 and above and or are repeat offenders. Changing the behavior of these high-risk drivers is an important component towards making future improvements in reducing recidivism, and ultimately fatalities and injuries caused by impaired driving.This program will provide training to both DWI Court teams and Judges presiding over impaired driving cases in non-DWI Courts to improve outcomes in adjudication and post-adjudication processes/treatment to reduce recidivism.
The purpose of this Agreement is to deliver and improve judicial training and develop tools for use by the DWI court field, as well as judges presiding over DUI cases in non-DWI Courts.The judicial training focuses on elements of DWI courts that a judge can use effectively to reduce impaired driving recidivism including screening and assessment, therapeutic alliance skills, individualized sentencing, and motivational interviewing.
Anoko A Zankli
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