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Gen-4 Engineering Research Centers
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Science & Technology Federal
07-09-2025 $104.0 M Match Required
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    • Expected Number of Awards 4
    • Opportunity Type Discretionary
    • CFDA

      47.041 -- Engineering


    Founded in 1984, the Engineering Research Centers (ERC) program brings technology-based industry and universities together in an effort to strengthen the competitive position of American industry in the global marketplace. These partnerships are expected to establish cross-disciplinary centers focused on advancing fundamental engineering knowledge and engineered systems technology while exposing students to the integrative aspects of engineered systems and industrial practice. The goal of the ERC program has traditionally been to integrate engineering research and education with technological innovation to transform and improve national prosperity, health, and security. Building upon this tradition, NSF is interested in supporting ERCs to develop and advance engineered systems, which if successful, will have a high Societal Impact. The ERC program supports convergent research (CR) that will lead to strong societal impact. Each ERC has interacting foundational components that go beyond the research project, including engineering workforce development (EWD) at all participant stages, where all participants gain mutual benefit, and value creation within an innovation ecosystem (IE) that will outlast the lifetime of the ERC. These foundational elements are integrated throughout ERC activities and in alignment with the Center's vision and targeted societal impact. The overall impact of the ERC program is expected within the Engineering Community, the Scientific Enterprise, and Society.

    • IHE
    • Local Government
    • Non-Profit
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    • State Government
    • Tribal Government
    Additional Eligibility Information

    *Who May Submit Proposals: Proposals may only be submitted by the following: -<ul> <li> Only U.S. Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs), also referred to in this solicitation as universities and academic institutions,accredited in, and having a campus located in the US, that grant engineering degrees at the undergraduate, masters, and doctoral engineering level may submit proposals as the lead university. The Lead university submits the proposal, and the award is made to the lead university. Support is provided to core partner universities and any affiliated faculty from other partner institutions through subawards.<a id="_anchor_5" name="_msoanchor_5" href=""></a> </li> <li>NSF welcomes proposal submissions that broaden geographic and demographic participation. Proposals from STEM-minority-serving institutions (STEM-MSI*), non-R1 schools, emerging research institutions, and IHEs in EPSCoR-eligible jurisdictions, as lead or core partners, as well as IHEs that primarily serve populations of students with disabilities or women in engineering interested in STEM, are encouraged.</li> </ul> Invited full proposals must meet all the following organizational requirements or they will be returned without review: <ul> <li>The Lead must be an Institution of Higher Education per the Carnegie Foundational Attribute:</li> <li>A proposed ERC must be multi-institutional, with a lead university and additional domestic university core partners. There is no maximum number of partner institutions.</li> <li>To qualify as a core partner institution, there must be financial support for a minimum of three faculty participating in the ERC along with financial support for a minimum of three students (Postdoctoral scholars may not be included as students).</li> <li>The lead or at least one of the core partner universities must be a STEM-MSI* university.</li> <li>Commitments from lead and core partner universities for cost sharing must be in place.</li> </ul> *For this solicitation <a href="" target="_blank">STEM-MSI </a>is definedby the Department of Education as institutions of higher education enrolling populations with significant percentages of undergraduate minority students, or that serve certain populations of minority students under various programs created by Congress. Eligibility may be determined by reference to the <a href="" target="_blank">Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)</a> of the US Department of Education National Center for Education Statistics ( *Who May Serve as PI: The Lead PI must be a faculty member at the Lead university. Non-Lead PIs are the co-PIs listed on the Cover Sheet after the Lead PI and may be from institutions other than the lead university. In order to provide more flexibility for the Center's management, the Lead PI and the ERC Director are not required to be the same person, however, both must be affiliated with the lead institution.

    Key Date(s)
    • May 20, 2024: Posted Date
    • February 28, 2025: Last Updated Date
    • July 09, 2025: Current Closing Date for Applications
    • July 09, 2025: Application Due Date
    • August 08, 2025: Application Archive Date
    Contact Information

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