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Science & Technology |
06-20-2025 | N/A | No Match Required |
47.041 -- Engineering
47.049 -- Mathematical and Physical Sciences
47.050 -- Geosciences
47.070 -- Computer and Information Science and Engineering
47.074 -- Biological Sciences
47.075 -- Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences
47.076 -- STEM Education (formerly Education and Human Resources)
47.079 -- Office of International Science and Engineering
47.083 -- Integrative Activities
47.084 -- NSF Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships
Wildland fire is a powerful force on the planet, one that is rapidly accelerating in complexity beyond our current understanding. A new approach is needed. This approach requires a proactive and scalable perspective that recognizes the variety and connectedness of components of wildland fire. Coordinated scientific research and education that enables large-scale, cross-cutting breakthroughs to transform our understanding of wildland fire is urgently needed. In an era of rapid change, our society needs forward-looking research built on new frameworks that will realign our relationship with wildland fire. The Fire Science Innovations through Research and Education (FIRE) program invites innovative multidisciplinary and multisector investigations focused on convergent research and education activities in wildland fire. All areas of science, engineering, and education supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation are included in this program. Projects developed by a wide array of groups including, for example, academics, educators, scientists, community members, students, industry partners, practitioners, resource managers, and Tribal representatives, working together to generate new knowledge of the interactions among biological, social, geoscientific, and engineering processes encompassing multiple fields, scales, and perspectives on wildland fire are encouraged. To advance convergent research and education in wildland fire science, FIRE proposals should demonstrate strengths in one or more of the following areas: (1) new advances in data collection, storage, and sharing relevant to wildland fire dynamics, including Earth observations; (2) new modeling and computational approaches to understand wildland fire (including artificial intelligence and machine learning approaches); (3) new understanding of the cross-scale interactions of wildland fire across local, regional and global extents; (4) new insights into community adaptation and governance relevant to wildland fire; (5) new approaches to reduce the vulnerability of built infrastructure, natural fuels, and social systems to wildland fire; and (6) engagement of a variety of community members and stakeholders to promote a forward-looking approach to wildland fire science. NSF manages the review of proposals in consultation with partner organizations. Copies of proposals and unattributed reviews will be shared with the partner organizations, as appropriate. FIRE supports research proposals and conference (network) proposals that focus on one or more of the following elements: Focus area 1: Next Generation Coupled Fire Models (FIRE-MODEL) Understanding wildland fires and smoke requires new predictive approaches and models to capture the full spatial and temporal range of unresolved dynamics. Furthermore, model development efforts necessitate well-coordinated experiments ranging from laboratory to landscape scales, along with state-of-the-art data management and analysis approaches. To reduce the current large uncertainties associated with fire models and to discover new weather-fire coupling phenomena driving the increasing frequency of large-scale fires worldwide, advanced experimental, theoretical, and computational methods are needed. The impacts of improved models include increased accuracy, better integration of Earth observation data, more efficient planning of prescribed burns, effective training of work force, timely warnings, and better management of limited human/equipment resources. Successful FIRE-MODEL proposals are suggested to address the following key themes:
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