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Environment |
02-13-2025 | N/A | Match Required |
15.570 -- Bay-Delta Restoration Program
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) is a participating agency in the Bay-Delta Restoration Program. The CALFED Bay-Delta Program Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)/Environmental Impact Review was released July 21, 2000, and the Record of Decision (ROD) was published August 28, 2000. As described in these documents, the Bay-Delta Restoration Program includes strategies to address ecosystem health, water supply reliability, and water quality. Water use efficiency is a critical element in the successful implementation of the Bay-Delta Restoration Program. The goals (objectives) of the CALFED Bay-Delta Program include, but are not limited to: Goal 1: Reduce existing irrecoverable losses, increasing the overall volume of available water;Goal 2: Achieve multiple state-wide benefits;Goal 3: Preserve local flexibility; andGoal 4: Build on existing water use efficiency programs. Reclamation is posting a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for cost-share funding for water use efficiency and conservation activities. To be eligible for financial assistance, a proposed activity must have a defined relationship to the California Bay-Delta. Through this NOFO, Reclamation provides funding for projects that increase water reliability and improve water management, including the use of expanded technologies and improved capabilities. This NOFO also provides funding consistent with the priorities identified in Presidential Executive Order (E.O.) 14008: Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad (E.O. 14008). The CALFED Bay-Delta Program will advance the Biden-Harris Administration’s Justice40 Initiative. Established by E.O. 14008, the Justice40 Initiative has made it a goal that 40 percent of the overall benefits of certain federal investments, such as climate, clean energy, and other areas, flow to disadvantaged communities.
Indian tribes, irrigation districts, water districts, or other organizations with water or power delivery authority. Those not eligible include the following types of entities:Federal governmental entities.Institutions of higher education.Individuals.501(c)4 organizations.501(c)6 organizations.
Pete Arp
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