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NSF National Quantum Virtual Laboratory - Quantum Testbeds
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Science & Technology Federal
04-01-2025 $32.0 M No Match
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    • Opportunity Type Discretionary
    • CFDA

      47.041 -- Engineering

      47.049 -- Mathematical and Physical Sciences

      47.070 -- Computer and Information Science and Engineering

      47.074 -- Biological Sciences

      47.076 -- STEM Education (formerly Education and Human Resources)

      47.084 -- NSF Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships


    The National Quantum Initiative (NQI) Act1aims to ensure the continuing leadership of the United States (U.S.) in quantum information science and technology. In conformance with the NQI goals, an argument2-5was set forth for a renewed emphasis on identifying and fostering early adoption of quantum technologies to transform the field of Quantum Information Science and Engineering (QISE) and to accelerate broader impacts on society. A systematic approach to maturing quantum technology platforms by integrating end-users and potential customers from other fields of science and engineering and other sectors of the economy into cycles of research, development, and demonstration should lower the barriers for end-users to pioneer new applications. NSF support for use-inspired and translational research in QISE, combined with continued strong support of the underlying foundational research, is anticipated to accelerate development of a market for quantum technologies. With this program solicitation, the Foundation is taking the next step in implementing the National Quantum Virtual Laboratory (NQVL) concept as an overarching shared infrastructure designed to facilitate the translation from basic science and engineering to the resultant technology, while at the same time emphasizing and advancing its scientific and technical value. The NQVL aims to develop and utilize use-inspired and application-oriented quantum technologies. In the process, NQVL researchers will explore quantum frontiers6, foster the development of QISE education and workforce development strategies, engage in outreach activities at all levels, and promote input and participation from the full spectrum of diverse talent in QISE, thereby lowering barriers at all entry points of the research enterprise. Engagement with all sectors of the United States (U.S.) QISE community will be necessary for this initiative to succeed, and, indeed, the project is designed to include participation from a full spectrum of organizations who have expertise to contribute. In particular, NSF recognizes that the involvement of industry partners is essential and will welcome these to be a part of the overall structure. Partnerships with other U.S. Federal agencies under the NQI umbrella are also encouraged. While this solicitation lays out the vision for the entire NQVL program that includes Quantum Science and Technology Demonstration (QSTD) projects, support for enabling technologies through Transformative Advances in Quantum Systems (TAQS), as well as a central coordination hub, only proposals for Design- and Implementation-phase QSTDs are solicited at this time. Submission of a QSTD:Design proposal is contingent upon the existence of a QSTD:Pilot project in the same topical area, and the positive recommendation from the Conceptual Design Review of the QSTD:Pilot project. The QSTD:Design project builds on progress made in the QSTD:Pilot phase. Submission of a QSTD:Implementation proposal is contingent upon the existence of a QSTD:Design project in the same topical area, and the positive recommendation from the Preliminary Design Review of the QSTD:Design project. The QSTD:Implementation project builds on progress made in the QSTD:Design phase. It is required that prospective PIs contact the NQVL Program Officer(s) as soon as possible, but not later than two weeks before submitting a proposal in response to this solicitation, to ascertain that the focus and budget of their proposal is appropriate for this solicitation.

    1. H.R.6227 - National Quantum Initiative Act,
    2. Accelerating Progress Towards Practical Quantum Advantage, A National Science Foundation Project Scoping Workshop (2022),
    3. Quantum Computer Systems for Scientific Discovery, PRX Quantum 2, 017001 (2021)
    4. Development of Quantum InterConnects for Next-Generation Information Technologies, PRX Quantum 2, 017002 (2021)
    5. Quantum Simulators: Architectures and Opportunities, PRX Quantum 2, 017003 (2021)
    6. Quantum Frontiers: Report on Community Input to the Nation's Strategy for Quantum Information Science,

    • IHE
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    • Tribal Government
    Additional Eligibility Information

    *Who May Submit Proposals: Proposals may only be submitted by the following: - The complete process for determining eligibility to submit to the Design and Implementation Phases is described in Section II, Program Description. NQVL:QSTD:Design Submission of a QSTD:Design proposal is contingent upon the existence of a QSTD:Pilot project in the same topical area, and the positive recommendation from the site visit panel that will review the QSTD:Pilot project nine-months into the QSTD:Pilot project. Transitioning from the QSTD:Pilot to the QSTD:Design phase, the Lead Organization and the Lead PI may change subject to the eligibility limits on number of proposals per organization and per PI or co-PI stated in this solicitation. Following upon a clear and agreed-upon understanding of goals and objectives, the selection of a Lead Organization, and approval by the NSF to advance from the Pilot to the Design phase, QSTD:Pilot teams may choose to consolidate prior to submitting a QSTD:Design proposal to advance to the Design phase. There are no restrictions or limitations on the type of organization eligible to serve as Lead Organization on the proposal. NQVL:QSTD:Implementation Submission of a QSTD:Implementation proposal is contingent upon the existence of a QSTD:Design project in the same topical area, and the positive recommendation from the last annual site visit panel review of the QSTD:Design project. Transitioning from the QSTD:Design to the QSTD:Implementation phase, the Lead Organization and the Lead PI may change subject to the eligibility limits on number of proposals per organization and per PI or co-PI stated in this solicitation. Following upon a clear and agreed-upon understanding of goals and objectives, the selection of a Lead Organization, and approval by the NSF to advance from the Design to the Implementation phase, QSTD:Design teams may choose to consolidate prior to submitting a QSTD:Implementation proposal to advance to the Implementation phase. There are no restrictions or limitations on the type of organization eligible to serve as Lead Organization on the proposal.

    Key Date(s)
    • June 28, 2024: Last Updated Date
    • June 28, 2024: Posted Date
    • April 01, 2025: Current Closing Date for Applications
    • April 01, 2025: Application Due Date
    • May 04, 2028: Application Archive Date
    Contact Information

    NSF support


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