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Crime & Legal-Related |
03-18-2025 | $44.0 M | No Match Required |
16.526 -- OVW Technical Assistance Initiative
The primary purpose of the OVW Training and Technical Assistance Initiative (TA Initiative) is to provide direct training and technical assistance (TTA) to current and potential OVW recipients and subrecipients to enhance their efforts to successfully implement projects supported by OVW grant funds. OVW's TA Initiative is designed to strengthen and build the capacity of civil and criminal justice system professionals and victim service providers across the nation to respond effectively to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking and foster partnerships and collaboration among organizations to address these crimes, including among organizations that have not traditionally worked together.
Eligible applicants for the TA Initiative are national, Tribal, statewide, or other nonprofit organizations. Eligible applicants must have the capacity to provide TTA on a national level to current and potential OVW recipients and subrecipients in the United States and U.S. territories. In rare circumstances, the TA Initiative may support institutions of higher education; state, local, or Tribal governments or governmental agencies; or local non-profit organizations. However, in such circumstances, those entities must describe in detail their demonstrated history of providing TTA to a national audience.
For assistance with the requirements of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), email OVW at OVW.TechAssistance@usdoj.gov.
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