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Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Scaling-up and Maintaining Evidence-based Interventions to Maximize Impact on Cancer (SUMMIT)- Lung Cancer Screening (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Required)
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Service Source Final Application Due Date Funding Available Match Required
Health Care Federal
11-15-2024 $2.4 M No Match
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  • Final Application Due Date
  • Funding Available
  • Match Required
  • Past
  • Current
  • Forecasted
    • Expected Number of Awards 3
    • Opportunity Type Discretionary
    • CFDA

      93.393 -- Cancer Cause and Prevention Research


    The National Cancer Institute (NCI) intends to publish a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to solicit applications to the Scaling-up and Maintaining Evidence-based Interventions to Maximize Impact on Cancer (SUMMIT) Lung Cancer Screening (LCS) initiative. Up to three (3) Research Projects are expected to be funded as part of SUMMIT LCS initiative. Each Research Project will advance the science of scale-up and sustainment by testing strategies to increase and sustain the delivery of high-quality guideline concordant LCS among populations at high-risk for lung cancer. The NOFO is expected to use the UG3/UH3 Exploratory/Developmental Cooperative Agreement activity code with the Clinical Trials Required designation. Awards made under this NOFO will initially support a two-year maximum milestone driven UG3 phase with a possible transition to a four-year maximum UH3 phase. During the UG3 phase, scale-up and sustainment strategies will be refined and preparatory activities for the scale-up and sustainment trial will occur. NCI will conduct an administrative review of UG3 milestones. Projects that do not complete UG3 milestones will not be approved to move forward to the UH3 phase. The scale-up and sustainment trial will be conducted during the UH3 phase. The NOFO is expected to be published in late Summer 2024 with an expected application due date in late Fall 2024. Details of a pre-application webinar will be announced after the publication of the NOFO. This Notice is being provided to allow sufficient time for potential applicants with relevant expertise and insights to consider applying for this NOFO. Potential applicants are encouraged to view the presentation of this initiative to the Joint Virtual Meeting of the NCI Board of Scientific Advisors and the National Cancer Advisory Board available at beginning at 3 hour, 57 minutes. Presentation slides are downloadable at � �

    • IHE
    • Local Government
    • Non-Profit
    • Other
    • State Government
    • Tribal Government
    Key Date(s)
    • July 19, 2024: Forecasted Date
    • August 19, 2024: Estimated Post Date
    • November 15, 2024: Estimated Application Due Date
    • July 01, 2025: Estimated Project Start Date
    • July 01, 2025: Estimated Award Date
    Contact Information


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