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Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program
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Community Improvement & Capacity Building Federal
See FOA N/A Match Required
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    • Expected Number of Awards 120
    • Opportunity Type Discretionary
    • CFDA

      11.036 -- Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program


    This Notice of Funding Opportunity solicits applications for the Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program (“Competitive Grant Program” or “Program”), the third of three digital equity programs authorized by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021, Division F, Title III, Public Law 117-58, 135 Stat. 429, 1209 (November 15, 2021) (“Infrastructure Act,” also known as the “Digital Equity Act” or “DE Act”). The Competitive Grant Program will make funds available to a wide range of entities to address barriers to digital equity faced by Covered Populations as defined by 47 U.S.C. §1721(8). The Competitive Grant Program will support efforts to achieve digital equity, promote digital inclusion activities, and spur greater adoption and meaningful use of broadband among the Covered Populations. Specifically, the Digital Equity Act authorizes funds to be used for the development and implementation of digital inclusion activities that benefit the Covered Populations; programs that facilitate the adoption of broadband by Covered Populations to provide educational and employment opportunities; training programs that cover basic, advanced, and applied skills; workforce development programs; access to equipment, instrumentation, networking capability, hardware and software, or digital network technology for broadband services at low or no cost; and the construction or operation of public access computing centers for Covered Populations.

    Awards will focus on addressing the needs of the Covered Populations not met by the Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program and will strive for a diverse pool of recipients. To ensure funds are directed to the most effective programs with the greatest reach, and to minimize administrative overhead, NTIA encourages proposals that demonstrate a broad partnership of entities with the ability to administer significant resources and address the varied concerns of the Covered Populations.

    • IHE
    • Local Government
    • Non-Profit
    • Other
    • State Government
    • Tribal Government
    Additional Eligibility Information

    The following entities are eligible to apply for grants under the Competitive Grant Program so long as that entity is not serving, and has not served, as the administering entity for a State under either the State Digital Equity Planning Grant Program or the State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program:(1) A political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality of a State, including an agency of a State that is responsible for administering or supervising adult education and literacy activities, or for providing public housing, in the State.(2) An Indian Tribe, an Alaska Native entity, or a Native Hawaiian organization (“Native Entity”).(3) A foundation, corporation, institution, or association that is –a. a not-for-profit entity; andb. not a school.(4) A community anchor institution.(5) A local educational agency.(6) An entity that carries out a workforce development program.(7) A partnership between any of the entities described in paragraphs (1) through (6).U.S. Territories are eligible to apply for funding under a separate set-aside established exclusively for U.S. Territories pursuant to 47 U.S.C. §1724(j)(3). U.S. Territories are not considered to be “Eligible Entities” for the Competitive Program, however, and their applications will be reviewed separately.

    Key Date(s)
    • July 24, 2024: Posted Date
    • August 13, 2024: Last Updated Date
    • November 21, 2024: Application Archive Date
    Contact Information

    Angela Thi Bennett

    Director of Digital Equity


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