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Food, Agriculture & Nutrition |
03-18-2025 | $22.8 M | No Match Required |
10.212 -- Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program / Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program
The Small Business Administration (SBA), through the SBIR/STTR Policy Directive, provides policy guidance for these programs. A main purpose of the legislation is to stimulate technological innovation and increase private sector commercialization among small business concerns and enable them to undertake and to obtain the benefits of research and development in order to maintain and strengthen the competitive free enterprise system and the national economy. The goal of Phase II is to continue research and development while increasing the focus on commercialization. The STTR program aims to foster technology transfer through formal cooperative R&D between small businesses and nonprofit research institutions. The USDA SBIR/STTR programs Assistance Listing 10.212, is therefore in a unique position to meet both the goals of USDA and the purpose of the SBIR/STTR legislation by transforming scientific discovery and innovation both social and economic benefit, and by emphasizing private sector commercialization.
Eligibility Requirements SBIR/STTR Phase I awardees are eligible to apply for Phase II support through this FY 2025 RFA. This includes those awardees identified via a “novated” or “successor-in-interest” revised funding agreement. Each applicant must qualify as an SBC through registration with the SBA for R/R&D purposes at the time of selection (see Definitions in Appendix III of this RFA). Failure to meet an eligibility criterion by the application deadline may result in the application being excluded from consideration or, even though an application may be reviewed, will preclude NIFA from making an award. For those new to Federal financial assistance, NIFA’s Grants Overview provides highly recommended information about grants and other resources to help understand the Federal awards process. SBIR/STTR program eligibility requirements are in place to ensure that the funds go only to small, independent U.S. businesses. The regulations include restrictions about (1) the type of firm, (2) its ownership structure, and (3) the firm’s size in terms of the number of employees. Type of Firm The purpose of the requirement regarding type of firm is to target the awards to firms with an economic interest in developing the idea or research into a commercial application. 1. An SBIR/STTR small business awardee must be a business concern – it must be organized as a for-profit concern and meet all of the other requirements for a “business concern” in 13 CFR § 121.105. Non-profit entities are not eligible (except as the partnering research institution collaborator under the STTR Program). 2. If an awardee is a joint venture, limited partnership or venture capital partner, each party to the joint venture must be a concern that satisfies all program eligibility requirements regarding type, size, ownership and control.
NIFA Support Email grantapplicationquestions@usda.gov
Business hours: Monday thru Friday, 7a.m. – 5p.m. ET, except federal holidays
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