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Affordable Housing and Supportive Services Demonstration
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Service Source Final Application Due Date Funding Available Match Required
Health Care Federal
05-01-2025 $2.0 M Match Required
  • Service
  • Source
  • Final Application Due Date
  • Funding Available
  • Match Required
  • Past
  • Current
  • Forecasted
  • $100,000
  • $250,000
  • Award Floor
  • Award Ceiling
    • Expected Number of Awards 8
    • Opportunity Type Discretionary
    • CFDA

      93.647 -- Social Services Research and Demonstration


    The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Community Services (OCS) announces the availability of grants to Community Action Agencies (CAAs) and tribes that were funded directly by the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) in FY 2025 that own affordable housing units and provide wraparound supportive services to residents of the affordable units, including educational opportunities for youths and adults; afterschool and/or summer programs for children and teens; early childcare, Head Start, Early Head Start, or other early childhood education programs/opportunities for young children ages 0 to 5; older adult care services; mental health, alcohol, and addiction services; services for individuals with disabilities; self-sufficiency resources; resources on future homeownership; financial literacy training; transportation services for residents; referrals and connections to resources to help meet concrete needs; and health care services.Through this funding opportunity, recipients will be able to leverage their expertise and partnerships to provide wraparound supportive services to residents of affordable housing, with the goal of improving housing stability and economic mobility. Applicants will need to demonstrate a long-standing ability to: 1. promote safety, stability, and economic mobility for residents through strengthened wraparound supportive services 2. advance equity through their affordable housing and supportive service efforts; and3. collect data related to residential services and evaluate efforts.Recipients will participate fully in a federal evaluation and follow all evaluation protocols established by ACF and/or its designee contractor(s). Fully participating in a federal evaluation may include supporting and complying with data collection requirements, providing administrative data on program participation, and other activities. In addition, the federal evaluation may include an evaluation of the implementation of this demonstration.

    • IHE
    • Local Government
    • Non-Profit
    • Other
    • State Government
    • Tribal Government
    Additional Eligibility Information

    Eligible applicants include Community Action Agencies (CAAs) and tribes that were funded directly by the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) in FY 2024 that own affordable housing units and provide wraparound supportive services to residents of the affordable units. Please see the full notice of funding opportunity when it posts for a list of eligible organizations and additional eligibility documentation required. Applications from individuals (including sole proprietorships) and foreign entities are not eligible and will be disqualified from the merit review and funding under this funding opportunity.

    Key Date(s)
    • July 24, 2024: Last Updated Date
    • July 24, 2024: Forecasted Date
    • February 28, 2025: Estimated Post Date
    • March 28, 2025: Application Archive Date
    • May 01, 2025: Estimated Application Due Date
    • August 29, 2025: Estimated Award Date
    • September 30, 2025: Estimated Project Start Date
    Contact Information
    Thom Campbell (202) 401-5455


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