Service | Source | Final Application Due Date | Funding Available | Match Required |
Environment |
10-10-2024 | $3.5 M | No Match Required |
66.808 -- Solid Waste Management Assistance Grants
66.813 -- Alternative or Innovative Treatment Technology Research, Demonstration, Training, and Hazardous Substance Research Grants
66.814 -- Brownfields Training, Research, and Technical Assistance Grants and Cooperative Agreements
66.816 -- Headquarters and Regional Underground Storage Tanks Program
This notice announces the availability of funds and solicits applications for two separate projects to provide training, technical assistance, research, and tools to Tribal environmental staff to build Tribal capacity to develop sustainable waste management programs and implement cleanup, prevention, and response programs in Indian country. The recipient will also conduct activities under the two cooperative agreements that promote discussion, collaboration, engagement, and partnership among Tribes and federal agency representatives.
OLEM’s primary goal under this funding opportunity is to help Tribes build capacity – through training, technical assistance, research, and tools – to develop their own OLEM-related programs and participate in cleanup, prevention, and response programs. OLEM works to support Tribal sovereign authority and promote compliance with federal and Tribal environmental statutes and regulations in Indian country while upholding EPA’s Indian Policy principles. The activities under this cooperative agreement help make the OLEM Tribal Program more responsive to Tribal needs by ensuring that Tribes have opportunities to provide their input and perspectives on policy and regulatory actions planned or taken by OLEM.
Please see Section III of the funding opportunity announcement for eligibility information.
Erika Wilson, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Land and Emergency Management (MC 5101T), 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20460; e-mail:
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